
Beats by Dr Dre studio e Yao Kun Wang Jing

Various pattern of each religion, the one mouthful breaks to settle:"This isn't mankind's any pattern and voodoo of religion, I the research religion learn for 40 years and have never seen pattern like this, probably Ms. Ma Ya, Pope of remarkable talent alliance, Buddhism field a few big masters and other religious leaders probably will know."
Ma Jun waits a person shocked not small, judging of Mo Jie Yi is good enough to represent a truth.
Ma Jun asks Mo Jie Yi to have again what way can remove small love China body up of striped pattern, Mo Jie Yi positively shakes head:"Military adviser, I dare to affirm of say, the background of this little girl will never generally, these pattern with living accompany, had better not clean it, after waiting she to grow up 1:00 in the future, I then is thorough to her to study."
Ma Jun helplessly nods, after sending to walk Mo Jie Yi, Ma Jun makes a black babysitter come to exclusively look after small love China.

Chapter 8 card country coup section 3 overturns(up)

July 12, 1994.
Kingdom intelligence office No.3 solid power person Yan south fly to report to Ma Jun, concerning collections republic in the card database card gram up arrive a president, descend arrive provincial governor corruption to take bribe intelligence report to come to hand, the card army square high black material comes to hand.
Kingdom gold dog open lord Hong 凎 report to Ma Jun, the card army square has already had four generals of in province agree support to stage coup, card country navy's a fleet and submarine fleet have already been controled by the Hong soldier.
Kingdom commander in chief department each big leader report, all kingdoms that are recruited spread sons and each cohesion in person crack already the secret garrison card country.
All conditions and opportune moment have been mature, once Ma Jun Da Dun's pen flick and sign'lay foundation stone'activity proposal.
July 15, 1994.
Today is a cold-blooded birthday, also a big Ao Kingdom history ascend worth bear firmly in mind of a day.
This day morning, Ma Jun makes change a set of western dress of newness after bathing and arrives at big Ao commander in chief center, ten greatest leaders, Gou Dan, river sea sky, the Yao Kun, Wang Jing, Cai Po, thou little and red 5 people start together and salute to Ma Jun, later on, according to the great Ao rite, Ma Jun leads five big leaders to arrive at cold surname ancestral temple room to believe in Kou first to do obeisance to the cold surname together.
Return to commander in chief center, Ma Jun orders smoke and drank one mouthful thick very hot hot tea and saw form, equanimity's saying:"Each big leader, today is a day that is worth being in remembrance of, probably today will become big Ao Kingdom to turn over for a day of opening the new literary piece, if we succeeded today, we the big Ao race will be going into exile after 400 years and again own the land that belong to oneself, big Ao in the past first emperor, the absolute being of the fire, please protect us."
Finish saying, Ma Jun starts and nods.
Commander in chief hall especially frequently personnel, intelligence people, each staff officer, Kingdom Secretariat each secretary immediately goes to move, contact card the country direct department representative director, big leader Yao cloud Chuan, the orchid is brave.
Two second empress, Yao, orchid two big leader voice Xuns connect, the voice Xun of Hong 凎 connects.
Ma Jun orders smoke and quell oneself doesn't already jump about of heart, say with the deep and low voice:"I am a big Ao Kingdom military adviser Wei is matchless, I orderany Yao Kun now, the orchid is two brave big leader, the leader of Hong 凎 just carries out five minutes later'lay foundation stone'activity, here, the hope card of my loyal country seven save 2,000,000 armed forces and people can forgive us, do."
Voice the Xun Be converse to spread the answer of three greatest leaders determination in machine.
Ma Jun quietly looking at time to pass and talks quietly:"Hoping our this undertaking can get the pardon of people of this world."
9:00 A.M. that very day.
The card database card gram the inside province in the republic island that is located in Atlantic coast line in Western Africa don't provincial capital a bar in Hague, card country around 3:00 A.M. local time.
Two native sons that get drunk wine dispute suspicion with a flock of foreign visitor, immediately both parties get into nasty fight in the bar, two native sons call to assistant, the police smells the Xun rush through to leave for on the scene stop, in the confused conflict, card with only 15-year-old a year clan the youth be trampled till death, several card clansmens get hurt.
This undertaking causes the Sao of the whole street area card clansmen disorderly, several card clansmens start pounding at a local police station, and rend away a gun to pay, release prisoner.
The local police station starts out armed army and police across street area to carry on blockader, in the interval, four card clansmens in the middle of fighting death.
At 7:00 a.m., the news is exposed.
The provincial capital street area breaks out Sao one after another disorderly, circumstances extension.
The card country's government urgently adjusts to gather a military authority to start out to carry on suppression, and open fire to kill several citizen.
2:00 p.m..
The Sao gets stripe indiscriminately.
The provincial capital appears to beat to hit to rob various violent activity, numerous citizen drive Sao the disorderly member and roughneck kill.
6:00 p.m..
Card country seven areas in the whole province continuously appear Sao disorderly, the card country's government declares that the nation gets into state of emergency, card country's president Ka Lai declares that the military authority formally gets involved, and declare a curfew.
July 19.
The military authority gets involved to cause up to thousand card country citizen death, several thousand people get hurt.
On the night of the 20th, the card country breaks out a nationwide riot.
The riot quickly gets stripe within a day, numerous card clansmens start taking a gun blunt square's confrontation for going shopping head and card army, the region appears anti- government to bear arms organization separately, and quickly captured each big section in the region.
July 22.
The card country national circumstances loses control.
On that noon, card country army chief of general staff the Hong 凎 suddenly declare in the card database province to practice an independent autonomy.
Immediately, card country six seas get empty the armed forces 19 high classes will get to declare to support the coup behavior of supporting the Hong 凎 .
On that afternoon, card country's president Ka Lai declares the Hong 凎 one who waits artificial Pan country, and sends a troops as to it's carry out suppression.
July 23.
Hong soldier, Hong Feng two brotherses lead a crack troops lightning flash to offend into the card country president's mansion in the capital city and capture card president Guo card Lai, Hong 凎 immediately declares to rescind card president Lai's job and the whole powers to the whole country, and declare in an hour that the card country get into the tallest state of emergency, and appeal that the military authority and each organization immediately cease fire, otherwise will with Pan country theory place.
On that afternoon, the capital city, the card database, don't the Sao in The Hague each province quell gradually indiscriminately, the Hong 凎 immediately greatly cleans in this a few executions in province, and the front card country numerous government top brasses are as under arrest as military authority leader.
7:00 p.m..
The Hong 凎 is elected for the card country at the time the tallest commander officer, and announce a television to talk to the whole world, declare that the card country changes toward changing generation.
Go to this, the card country coup obtains stage success.
At Ma Jun wait persons all for'lay foundation stone'activity press plan of carry on but rejoice, after three days, card country three military authorities in the province in western card grams and police cooperate to declare an independent autonomy in the card gram,Beats by Dr Dre studio, and declare that the Hong 凎 one who waits artificial Pan country immediately launches an attack to the troops of Hong 凎 .
Come all of a sudden of huge change to make Ma Jun start to anticipate to cannot compare with, immediately begin to negotiate a counterplan, but not help matters.
After two days, the troops of Hong 凎 drive troops in the card gram shot Kui, Ma Jun is forced to issue order to return shot.
Go to this, the card domestic fights an explosion, short in January inside, both parties' death and harm miserably heavy, tens of thousands card clansmens are killed, count 100,000 card the country's residents force to become distitute and homeless.
Hong 凎 one Nu under, send a close Wei soldier crack get into a card gram of inside capital city, the secret assassinated 11 military authority key figures, Ma Jun to this greatly in order to provoke to anger, but the circumstances very and soon extends to make Ma Jun know situation of rigorous.
In headquarters each big leader of consistent have next request, Ma Jun sends the tiger Wei of a dragon soldier and five lines of warriors 200 country for spreading pupil into card in persons carry on without a break assassination and assassinate an activity.
In the interval, and then have up to thousand inside military administration top brasses to die in the hand of big Ao.
September 30.
Owing to card local war dead and injured the number is huge heavy, card country neighboring country, African alliance to United Nations allied greatly put forward an urgent proposal, request to unite to greatly and immediately adopt urgent measure, stop card local war extension, reduce destitute dead and injured and race enemy to kill.
October 5.
United Nations is allied to greatly pass an urgent proposal, the allied big general secretary adds benefit to ask both parties to immediately cease fire, next day, add benefit to urgently summon Hong 凎 and card gram inside two square leader, negotiate a solution, and declare if the peaceful proposal can not get both parties together Related articles:

