
monster beats n previously demon

Peng controls his mana pool and a huge palm ,while his evil doppelganger is and the demon division Kunpeng composition Sancai array will Kong Yuwei in the middle ,controlled by river Luoshu ,composed of innate nosy towards Kong Yu bombardment go ,this time demon division Kunpeng but do all mana ,wanted one will be killed and captured ,Kong Yu bell .
relationresultKong Yu is alsoat this time felt the hitherto unknown pressure ,demon division Kun Peng and his evil doppelganger at his own mana is really hard to imagine ,in the huge mana ,the space around the constant annihilation ,turned into a chaos ,and the hole Yugang recovering body is subjected to the ravages of .
relationresultButKong Yu and Dong bell link more closely ,the emperor clock can play power is increased a lot ,in the face of evil teacher Kun Peng this time attack ,,bell made a sound bell, suddenly came from a fist-sized little bell ,turned into a paper size ,will Kong Yu totally enshrouded .
relationresultAfter thebell will change ,Kong Yu completely enveloped ,and Kong Yu was in ,clock protection becomes extremely safe ,no longer feel the demon division Kun Peng brought pressure, was suddenly feel relaxed a lot of ,this makes Kong Yusong a sigh of relief ,despite knowing that this situation is only temporary, but can it is good to breathe .
relationresultSee,the clock change after the demon division ,Kun Peng ,but in the hands of the attack is not stopped ,huge palm toward ,bell shot ,and innate nosy issued attacks but also toward the ,went down with the clock ,clock ,sends out the mana interwoven together, then a circle spread out .
relationresultHiding in theclock inside ,Kong Yu this time also felt the pressure, although less pronounced ,making his body almost collapsed ,but also let Kong Yu feel scared ,knows that if they are not ,then in this screen clock ,time attack ,his body not to hold ,this makes Kong Yu a fear, heart rejoice .
relationresultKong Yu is nowthe big witch while said to be immortal ,but if the demon division Kun Peng mana down completely destroyed ,it is not possible to survive ,so it is not easy to work on physical nature is not capable of being easily lost ,is naturally made Kong Yu very treasure .
relationresultHugepower constantly ,clock sends out ,against the Lich division to attack Kun Peng, but Kong Yu is hiding in ,bell which bears a unit of pressure ,I hope this time attack quickly past .
As for the demon division Kun Peng is constantly drives the body mana ,like in the fastest time will ,bell got ,just get the opposite of what one wants ,demon division Kun Peng always felt to be successful ,but there .
relationresultThis timeis the same, originally thought that own the blow enough to kill Kong Yu ,get ,clock ,however at this time ,western sky suddenly appeared a golden light ,and the golden twinkle is to the demon division Kun Peng sky ,then was turned into a seven day stick ,not very long ,just like a small stick ,exudes a little gold .
relationresultHowever,see the canes moment ,demon division Kunpeng throughout a person face is frozen ,cold sweat moment is flow down, heart secretly complain of suffering ,the regret, their early if all the clock hands ,took to it, nor will the people come ,now he ,you want to be ,then there is no hope bell .
relationresultSharesregret emotional flocked to the demon division Kun Peng ,in the demon master Kun Peng unwilling to look ,but when you see the canes to brush their own time, demon division Kun Peng even heart again how unwilling, or at the time of the first decisive put away the good and evil doppelganger ,chose to exit ,towards the distant fly away .
relationresultThisroot canes has another name called the wonderful tree ,but the Western Buddhist Zhuntidaoren weapon ,and the wonderful tree is the arrival of that world Saint candi already know ,bell was born and face the world news ,sage ,even the demon division Kun Peng is no how, can only choose from ,after all it is just not ants ,heaven and earth to kill Saint demon division Kun Peng was killed just as easily as ants .
relationresultThewonderful tree Qibao at demon division Kunpeng chose to exit ,is not to ignore the demon division of ROC ,suspended in Donghuang clock above, followed by a brush ,a golden bell towards ,over the past, want ,clock collection ,however at this time ,the sky is also appeared a few in a wink is light ,to the wonderful tree before, then all to the wonderful tree attack to .
relationresultAdiagram ,a long streamers and a sword, these three things are coming back three kind of three kind of ,which is fully toward the wonderful tree attack .relationresult , relationresultThe 400th chapter chaos void , relationresultTai Chidiagram is world Saint I Lingbao ,the pennant is Pangu streamers, was Primus Lingbao ,for the sword is the founder of holiness with supreme merit condensed into green Pingjian ,despite being acquired Lingbao ,but because it is the good treasure ,so the power is not much worse than the birth of .
relationresultTai Chidiagram ,Pangu pennant and green Pingjian is the emergence of proven Sanqingshan is already know ,bell was born, is at this critical time .In fact ,knew that what happened here and there are many people in the area ,within the range of millions of many magical powers ,but because due to the demon division Kun Peng magic ,are not present it ,and now the world saint ,even more no one dare hit for ,bell ,after all, no one suspected his life long .
relationresultThewonderful tree while the first step ,want to collect ,clock ,but in the Taiji diagram, Pangu pennant and green Pingjian attack but also can resist ,only to back away ,and then the Taiji diagram, Pangu streamers, green Pingjian and the wonderful tree is in ,bell Quartet disc crouch together ,who is not frivolous .
relationresultWorld ofsaints total is six ,now has four ,the other two will also have to know ,bell born news ,but whether the priest or Nu Wa empress ,they are not like fighting man ,this innate Lingbao ,bell although enough temptation, but seems to butt the road and Nu Wa empress also cannot shake their faith ,so at this time they are not .
relationresultThe clockis four ,monster beats,congenital Lingbao around in the middle of the Quartet ,although do not have any news, but the power is shown than previously demon division Kunpeng contention ,clock time is more powerful ,but after all the four world saints ah ,usually want to see Saint style is not possible ,now he is able to see the four sages war ,is really exciting .
relationresultOnlyfour world saints seem to be do not want to let people see their rivalry ,or worry about their fighting will destroy the creatures to fairyland ,and four congenital Lingbao and at the same time sends a glow enshrouded ,bell ,then toward the sky to fly ,in a wink is disappeared the .
relationresultInfour congenital Lingbao with ,bell disappeared after hiding in the dark ,the figure is one one appeared, including Sun Wukong and the town of yuan ,Wang Mu, Empress and emperor of heaven ,gods and immortals, and universal dragon and so on ,all in the heaven has a head having a face character is appeared ,after all ,issued the first stroke of the clock when the heaven ,the characters are heard ,then a little magical is calculated ,the clock was born .
relationresultButthese people feel when, demon division Kun Peng are fighting ,clock ,and all are that demon division of Kun Peng coupled with the demon division Kun Peng ,so a lot of people Related articles:

