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People stood behind the ogre ,issue orders left and right .relationresultDemonprogenitor : hierarchy ,according to their age difference ,a hundred years of demons, demons ,millennium ...
... , and the two-headed monster ,strength is at least a demon series ! , relationresultLongfeilooked back at the monster progenitor ,helpless shakes his head .relationresultAsfor a long time, the monster progenitors have always said ,never played .
relationresultDoevil progenitor strength is very weak ?relationresultThat wonit ?relationresultSee thedemon progenitor that retraction of the appearance ,Longfei heart also meipu .relationresultOh ,I smell a sweet taste ,right now .
, relationresultTwo-headed monsterssuddenly forced snorted ,the one-eyed monster progenitor alignment .relationresultLongfei blocked it ! , relationresultDemonfather shouted ,body backwards .
relationresult...... , relationresultThe twelfth chapter I name all day , relationresultDoubleblame Cyclops shot a black ,was long Fei Earth Shield block down ,then a strange war in one place .
relationresultScienceis the earth God ,is the best defense ,even if his touch is a million years of demons, he thought nothing of the distance ,but close !relationresultTokill four, continue to have the God down, while the demons also is absent a few ,both to me to you, don who wins .
relationresultThe devilterror ,the gods are seen ,but also because experience arrived, they unanimously determined ,could not let the demons into the Dragon china .relationresultThe awfulthing ,regardless of where to ,would bring disaster !relationresultMy life in the name of God ,stripping your life ! , relationresultVoid,Longfei a directional day ,will the life God rules to the two-headed monsters .
relationresultHa ha ha ha ,a slave of God ,like stripping my life ,kid ,you will die ! , relationresultTwo-headed monsterseven from hid ,hard pick up Longfei rule of life ,although the body is aging ,but has been rushed to him ,a punch in the chest as Longfei ,perforative Longfei body .
relationresultHa ha ha ha . Two-headed monsters with the fist remind Longfei body ,opens his mouth just like ,know what a golden hit him a head ,suddenly knocked him ouch sound ,stepped back .
relationresultTaking advantage of thisopportunity ,Longfei teleport to two-headed monsters behind, use of land law ,pounded his body .relationresultLongfeion chest penetrating wound to visible to the naked eye in the rate of healing ,this is the earth God and God lives in combination with benefits ,can accelerate the body recovery .
relationresultAs long asthe brain does not destroy the Godhead ,Longfei will never die .relationresultTheinstant will rule two-headed monsters to break ,but millions of demons recovery speed is also very terror ,is just a breath ,the body is completely demobilized .
relationresultHa ha ha ha ,we monsters can be infinitely rebirth ,kid ,although your strength is very interesting ,but you are not my opponent ,you stand still ,let me eat you ! , relationresultDoublestrange laughter ,Cyclops from black .
relationresultOn the otherside ,Su Mingzhu and Fang joint and a green skin and hair monster snakes female Orc fights, both to me to you, the strength of the gap ,and a tie .relationresultEach Godhas not flinched ,non-stop to demons attack with .
relationresultThey know that,if not from demons ,so they don want to be the God .relationresultDemonfather doesn where the corpse ,everywhere ,and everywhere the monster force demons ,lying quietly in the scenes of heroic ,very .
relationresultJie Jie Jie Jie ,a number of years, the damn thing ,I am sleepy for how many years? I finally come back oh ,uh ... ... What a wonderful taste ,is really wonderful . , relationresultAsepulchral voice from the space of the door came suddenly let the gods ,a stay .
relationresultlord ,the Lord of demons ,it was not a permanent seal ?How is it ... ... Come back ? , relationresultDemonprogenitor trembling voice the head ring ,every heart of God are a rising cloud .
relationresultDemonlord !relationresultAs thedemon king, strength and strong to what extent? , relationresultThe situation has changed ,the gods to retreat immediately ,give up ,Bendao ,retreat ! , relationresultDemonfather screamed ,disappeared .
relationresultDry,what evil progenitor ,the lead had run off ... ... , relationresultFeiand two-headed monsters are entangled together, he would like to withdraw ,but two-headed monsters do not, the one-eyed shoots out a black pestering him, have him locked up, he wanted to run away, except kill two-headed monsters .
relationresultSu Qinglan and QinQinchong over three people together ,say ,managed to repel the two-headed monsters ,taking advantage of this opportunity ,Longfei was able to run away .relationresultThedead retreat retreat ,hell broke loose, who also didn have such a transformation ,the lead conductor devil progenitor run ,it is a little difficulty ?relationresultThe godshad retreated from space ,the door of a wicked man .
relationresultAnd ordinaryhumans, but he was tall ,full two meter of three or so ,but he has long not fat ,to the point ,more like a bamboo pole .relationresultHe is ademon lord ,this is only one of hundreds of millions of years of demons .
relationresultThatis millions of years of demons, is just a title, not he lived for millions of years ,beats by dre studio hd,will be called eons demons ,many demons have lived for millions of years, but they have no qualifications ,only the wicked man ,to have the qualifications .
relationresultPoor children ,was they killed so many . , relationresultWickedmen mercy at lying still being sealed demons ,readily pulled himself a wisp of hair ,to the sky a throw ..
. ... , relationresult---- roar roar , relationresultThousands ofdemons appeared out of nowhere !relationresultAll of the demons are my children ,all the children are made by me ,I is the demon lord ,the king of sentient beings ,Jie Jie Jie Jie ,purple water chestnut ,the last time you and me, this time I must send you to hematemesis ! , relationresultWickedman Jie Jie people, other demons are boiling, around him, fall over each other rave music .
relationresultTheforest .relationresultLuo Bendao outside five common Road ban, even if all day strength has been fully restored ,but want to break the five prohibition ,may spend fifty years time .
.. ... , relationresultDemonprogenitor one face is helpless ,sad look at the gray gods .relationresultAfterthe war ,the gods have fallen by more than half ,the figure for the demon progenitor pain pole .
relationresultIf those dead deity to return, can rebuild a number of God ,although rebuilding God strength only the former half ,but better than ... ... Hey . , relationresultDemon father ,why don out ? Speak is a party and anger .
relationresultIn just theGod of war, Fang Wuyang in order to save his son, being a demon alive to shreds .relationresultDemonprogenitor clamed up .relationresultTheangry ,an accused progenitor ,finally Longfei did not go on, a sound ,the gods are just shut your mouth .
relationresultThe Demon Lord was terrible day strength to what extent? Why we fight or flee? , relationresultDemonprogenitor sigh: one of his fingers ,can kill all the gods . , relationresultThemoving .
relationresultI don believe it! You are afraid to escape, hum! and angrily .relationresultTens of thousands of years before the war ,you have not experienced ,I have experienced . , relationresultTens of thousands ofyears before the war, when the demon progenitor is a cultivation into the crystal beasts ,with his demon progenitor jointly attended the monster war .
relationresultThe snake in theprogenitor ( gold Jiamei girl ) under the leadership of ,again and again to kill back invading demons ,until the Demon Lord all day suddenly ,originally a favorable condition suddenly changed .
relationresultWhen the snakethe progenitor of the party ,a total of five out of ten upper God ,God ,the God of about three hundred ,plus hundreds of demon God ,can be said that the strength of earth . Related articles:

