
monster beats ck has aroused the

This hotel seventeen floor ,before Mu Guoxing had finished speaking ,Tong Tong then hastily hung up the phone .Not for a moment ,the door is a knock at the door .relationresultFive or six months do not seeTong Tong ,she has shown a stature ,face and Zhong Ling like pregnancy ,two block long is pregnant the spot .
More a bit of playful .relationresultA flurry of excitement,Tong Tong strange and asked: husband ,you come here to see me ?I have just heard that you had arrived in Canberra ,happy I dead ! Then, went to Mu Guoxing ,her arms around Mu Guoxing is a kiss .
relationresultTwo individuals arecalm ,Mu Xing smiled and said : I am but , relationresultInyour grandfather name to see you .! , relationresultAh ?That won it .My grandpa know things between us ? , relationresultIt looks like you don us .
I have to do is mainly to see your way to the public ,but also do little things .How do you do ,not hungry ,but I hungry ! , relationresultAt dinner,Mu Guoxing took him to Canberra for the public to do the incident told Tong Tong listen .
Tong Tong thought, with a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Mu Guoxing and said : husband ,supposedly the corrupt official did enough abominable ,they make money should all back to .But I also know a woman ,a woman alone in a foreign country is not easy .
Do not put that Wang Yugao too much good !Also be our unborn baby point ?. , relationresultIn factMu Guoxing ,can be in domestic was put this matter to solve ,is not necessary to over a great distance to come to australia .
He came here a purpose is to want to have a look Tong tong !An additional aim is to have a look at what is the Wang Yu .There is one of the most primary purpose is to cover up ,in front of others he had opened eye ability .
Otherwise ,people in the country , relationresultInside,you put all her money to turn back ,what will people think? So in the Hongkong financial counterattack has aroused the suspicion of wu !relationresultThe very next day,Mu Guoxing and Tong Tong as a pair of traveling young couples, the shuttle in Canberra high streets and back lanes ,and play with .
Of course ,go up to a place or the Church of St Phillips near the rich areas .relationresultTong Tong knowshe Guoxing aim here is what ,changed his personality ,silently followed Mu Guoxing watched the environment here .
relationresultA few days later inthe Church of St Phillips the rich area in a townhouse ,a quarrel !Quarrel double founder is Tao Jiafan Wang Yu ,and her white boyfriend ?? !relationresultNowadd more sections from only 8 flower ,which the reader to support you ,let a smile before noon plus a chapter !!!relationresultThe 751st chapter corrupt wife .
relationresultWang Yunever dreamed, her presence at the Federal Reserve Bank of Australia $seventy million, would take wings to itself .She is also in an accidental opportunity ,only cash is gone .
relationresultIt was herboyfriend David ,Wang Yu wanted to give her boyfriend a surprise ,buy a car of his boyfriend had favored a car as a birthday gift .Unexpectedly, in the credit card consumption, she was politely informed ,the balance on the card is not enough to pay for the purchase of the roadster costs .
relationresultOn hearing the newsof Wang Yu ,also do not know how to return to her villa .Open computer check ,account for only $three hundred and eighty .relationresultEmotionalexcitement, Wang Yu suspected her boyfriend stole it, so the two of them made a fierce quarrel .
To the end of her boyfriend was very angry and beat her ,she also heads the police .relationresultAfter localpolice investigation ,now the money has been transferred to a Swiss bank .When the Australian police to Swiss bank to the matter, Switzerland is in accordance with their country ,gave no comment.
This reply .relationresultBy this time,Wang Yu may be aware of the domestic secret service had their eyes on her .Lost money for Wang Yu ,and by his boyfriend to the merciless abandon ,she had to sell her house ,moved into a small apartment .
However ,the nightmare did not end there ,still with her .relationresultWhen Wang Yu arrivedat the aTm time, surprising is ,she has to open a new account that selling luxury money was gone ,there are only left her $three hundred and eighty .
This money in Canberra only a few days enough living cost ,tearless Wang Yu once again reported to the police .relationresultThe Australian policeand repeated last work ,still get a result .
Finally, a big fat Sergeant some express volumes on Wang Yu said : madam ,you have such a large sum of money ,and two consecutive suffered huge losses, our police believe it is not a criminal case ,we suspect that it may be associated with your country relationship ! , relationresultWang Yudidn to go back to her apartment ,she is very clear on how the money is to come .
Even she has mastered this money has been remitted to the domestic evidence ,what can you do ?Does she dare to return to the Commission to recover ?relationresultMu Guoxing ison the day before leaving Canberra ,in a Chinese restaurant.
See this to Wang Yu, this woman has now lost lady look ,wearing a waitress costume ,in this restaurant is not skilled movements for the guests services .relationresultMuXing watched Wang Yu fro figure, quietly on the Tong Tong said : see, this man is Tao Jiafan wife .
Now she has also become the support oneself worker ,I have finished my task ! , relationresultTong Tong stared atWang Yu back for a while watching ,with a sigh : husband ,money is a good stuff ,but also rely on their own hard work to make ,it used only feel at ease and justified ,not their own will eventually lose .
She got this support oneself results ,better than her husband so much ! , relationresultTwodid not speak again ,closing time, Tong Tong also took out a $one hundred, to Wang Yu as a tip .
relationresultThank you.Wang Yu hoarse ,voice was full of sadness .To see this to go out of the young couple ,she reminds me of her parents ,think he does not know the husband die ,two lines of tears streaming down unconscious completed , relationresultThe Mu Guoxing task,and with Tong Tong to other city to play for a few days .
One night at dinner ,Mu Guoxing Tong Tong : Tong Tong, I want to go back !Is it right? You also play here for a period of time? , relationresult!I am a person to stay here all suffocated .
, relationresultDon a health care practitioner and a nursing ?They can not accompany you playing ? , relationresultChildrenTongtan breath : the two man ,monster beats,knew every day for my blood pressure checks the body ,we are not say a few words .
, relationresultMu Guoxing knowsTong Tong said that it is the truth ,like her this was born in high family ,proud and arrogant ,itself is a hot temper ,but few can really command them ,and she started to chat also really few .
relationresultMu Guoxing smiledto him ,not far distance seated two people read : your two bodyguard or full responsibility ! , relationresultTong Tong was surprisedat Mu Guoxing : husband
,even that you are now ?I see you these days , relationresultNeverask ,I thought you did not show them ! , relationresult,you didn have a look of your husband who I am !This little trick
where they can hide them from me !Well, tell me about your plan ! , relationresultTong Tongdid not hesitate to say: I want to walk with you !You mean to tell me ,my elder sister and sister Related articles:

