
Beats by Dr Dre studio let Hilton juggerna

Dun Jiansheng turned around ,he saw love a cold face ,just looked at Hilton under provocation .relationresultHiltonfelt himself as his cold ,how not to manage this mouth ,juggernaut work far above his love ,really want to repair it ,may only be the end !relationresultHilton ,I have heard you call my wife ,but today in my husband ,do not care about you ,next time if heard in a two ,don love hard ! Surprisingly ,Juggernaut is not immediately make love ,but was gradually slowed down, say a word to let Hilton juggernaut terrified .
relationresultYou ,you two? Hilton juggernaut jaws to can be stuffed into a duck ,Xiao Han Tao and love by .relationresult.I lost, later Xiao Han is my love . Juggernaut mouth was a shy way love .
relationresultXiao man? Hilton juggernaut looked to Xiao Han verified .relationresultYes ,I have already promised to love the juggernaut . Xiao Han admits, it is not necessary to conceal ,simply open up .
relationresult,love go back room first . , relationresultCold verynatural nodded ,a tacit agreement among the two is really like a married couple to each other .relationresultHiltonwas looking at love juggernaut juggernaut left back, shook his head ,then erected a thumbs up ,Xiao Han admiration towards one track: Xiao man ,you are really something ,even love that woman can make you clean up eating ,I see ,you simply said that love is good the ! , relationresultAh ,old Greek ,which is you can not envy .
Xiao Han proud smile ,boast without shame tract .relationresultJuggernautthat women all over the world love ,also does not have a few ,to conquer such a strong, but also beauty unparalleled woman is one can make a man proud of one thing !relationresultThis love brother ,sage and blue sky miss, you are going to make which is the wife ? Hilton is very nosy asked .
relationresultNo small ,are the same, just live together in peace together . Xiao Han no hierarchy concept ,with a smile .relationresultXiao brother idea really have a style of one ! Hilton sage smiled .
relationresultBig,who is willing to do it? , relationresultThe blue skythat chick is a proud and arrogant woman ,love is a Blademaster has not playing for second place ?relationresultMagicsound communication ,this is Xiao Han gives a name ,it is actually a kind of light magic ,just use it is very expensive ,non-ordinary people can have from the sky to earth ,only to get a pair of chambers ,for Wangcheng and the Crescent City between communication at any time contact .
relationresultThereal-time video system is bright the developed ,its principle is only light she knows ,but it is a very applicable tools ,and the distance between the points, Xiao Han hands now that originally belong to Jin blue branch president, Jin Lan went to Wangcheng to assist in the blue sky after work ,to her cold hands .
relationresultUse andconnection is in need of mental force ,also need to add a spirit of it, which can guarantee the point to point communication ,Xiao Han spirit although zero, but he can use the body blue wind magic start ,can use, the only explanation can only say that the guild test magic crystal for Xiao Han such aliens !relationresultGentlya bit, the blue sky shadow appeared in the magic mirror .
relationresultPrettypale, the League of free companies wrapped around the really tight ,does not give the sky a wheezing, but these days from the sky to Earth expansion result is not very ideal ,many people want to crescent paper a slice ,rob this huge cake .
relationresultThegreatest strength of free business ,from the sky to earth chamber blow is also very large ,always blue sky step force originally had a good discussion cooperation agreement destroyed .
relationresultExcept inlarge domestic ,blue sky now almost can !relationresultVisibleon her shoulder pressure is great !relationresultXiaoHan listen to my complaint ,in his own heart is very uncomfortable ,but this kind of thing on earth is it is often seen.
War ,Xiao Han although did not make a deal ,but since he came from a higher civilization this magic continent mechanical civilization to the world ,so to solve the present predicament and not too difficult ,and he was thought of a solution .
relationresultNo one hadto rely on ,so the sky always rely on their own ,have what thing is always yourself down ,now with Xiao Han this powerful arms in the back supporting her ,bitter ,tired ,beats by dre,natural to think of him .
relationresultThe blue sky ,that Liu Xiahui, you let him alone ,if he still haunt you ,you let him come to me ,I can be what he is free to UNITA elder son ,annoys me, I let him do the dead next life directly ! Xiao Han distressed have plenty of fight in sb.
,blue sky but you came to this world first make him inviting a woman ,a man ,if cannot protect themselves from injury to the woman ,just kill myself Dutch act !relationresultBones,Xiao Han is the extreme shield !relationresultWho movedme woman ,I began to move his family !relationresultThe fifty-first chapter :franchise franchise business , relationresultThe blue sky ,I thought of a way, you can? Xiao Han will just think that way in the mind finishing it, then the franchise management method and their knowledge of some of the rules say to listen at the blue sky .
relationresultBlue skylisten more surprises ,trouble her days problem was Xiao Hansan few words to the perfect solution ,but also as Xiao Han practice ,from the sky to earth chamber of Commerce in three years will be spread across the vast continent forces ,which she had never seen an expansion of business model .
relationresultIt is a pity thatXiao Han is not around, maybe one excited, blue sky beauty initiative to bring the kiss .relationresultBut see themagic mirror in the sky that frown all of a sudden stretch, the tender loving eyes ,enough to let Xiao cold heart melts .
relationresultTurn off themagic video ,blue sky excitedly life people called Jin Lan .relationresultJin tertiary ,our from the sky to earth flying time to chamber of commerce ! , relationresultJin Lanwas surprised ,this is when miss ,also thought laugh out ,bitter face : ,that Yanagishita Megumi has come again ,that is not accepted his conditions ,the whole continent all do not want to sell our new paper ! , relationresultJin Shu ,you say to him ,let him not come to bother me, or let my fiance know ,afraid he will not hesitate .
The blue sky with a disgusted look tract .relationresultMiss, you say so ? Jin Lan felt a bit worried, he knows the master is very powerful ,but the identity of Yanagishita Megumi is not low, forces more substantial ,if hastily so offended free UNITA, the chamber of Commerce in China in future development and growth will be more of a large resistance .
relationresultIt doesn ,you will do as I say and tell him ! Blue sky on the proud as Lucifer ,for yourself and for a dream of the auction is already cherish a deep-seated hatred for ,but there is some scruples ,long life will be out of the .
relationresultNow,what a powerful men hold ,even if free sale how? , relationresultJin Shu ,I know what you ,but it doesn ,which Wangcheng and I don stay ,and Xiao cold there new urban well, I put the chamber of Commerce headquarters moved to his new city ! Blue sky road .
relationresultJin Lan and said: this is good feelings, after Miss Duke ,Duke of Miss excellent ,this chamber also has a big daddy ! , relationresultJin Shu ,you still get the companies to go to, I want to discuss with you the events ! Blue sky thinking of future happy days ,was a cheerful smile road . Related articles:

