
Beats By Dr Dre Solo y flap The headquart

Fly on-line F-16 be ruined by these invisible battleplane shots.The loss of the helicopter is also miserably heavy, 5 CH-47, 4s are taking off of"the Pa is strange" be ruined, even the airplane pilots are all shoot~deaed.These small airplanes just walked, and then had large numbers of dynamoelectric helicopters to condescend to come, these"was black very absolute being" let the soil soldier accept what called low altitude stroke.Soil soldier 3 fires of antiair guided missile camps control radar not only the function be apart from short, project light upon dead angle in this steep mountain area again big, basically have no from rival in power.Once these radars switch on and immediately encounter to strongly inhibit interference, also a criticize anti- radiation guided missile to look after them.After radar is destroyed, the wild rocket plays, machine cannon immediately the Qing Xie arrive guided missile blast-off in.The base all everywhere emits to have blazing flame and light of fire.
Many soil soldiers of places risk death to shoot small armses, such as guided missile and machine gun...etc. to shoot these by shoulder often drill out of black very absolute being,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, but those guided missiles don't make track for a helicopter, the machine gun bullet beats win also just wipe on the fuselage a slip away Mars.This the nerve of soil soldier collapsed all of a sudden and resisted more and more weak.The soil soldier also shotted down 5 dynamoelectric helicopters in the confused conflict, all unexpectedly drive rescuing of the other party the brigade connected a person to take machines all lane to walk.It is thus clear that soil soldier at that time of confusion.4 F-16s that patroled in the sky at that time made reaction, but this kind of high-speed battleplane since can not deal with Jian-17, also had no to act in the low altitude from the attack of helicopter.In vain pursuing is some kind of, have to have no achievement and return, but while landing, after 2 Jians that are ambuscaded in the skidding-17 connect machine to take a person to destroy, front 2 of the airplane pilots just wanted to acrossed a passenger compartment to also encounter same destiny.
After 2 hours the air stroke Ga of enemy's soldier however, the oil depot of base, maintain places, such as database and traffic control tower...etc. still is emitting thick smoke.Luckily mostly battleplane and helicopter at hard of in the machine database, lose still not big.The underground oil depot didn't encounter stroke as well, is an antiair system almost the loss is almost exhausted.Soon the sand Er virtuous major general gets news 1798 highland falls.After the hasty report headquarters, a headquarters still an instruction starts out battleplane participation"gold wolf" activity.Hence the major general order strengthens air defense and regards Gao She Ji's gun and the archibald as principle to set up antiair fire net.All of battleplane, helicopters dragging along out in machine database are tremble with fears to scaredly and quickly get off the ground.The activity that takes back 1798 highlands afresh has no progress, the soil soldier doesn't dare to send commando unit machine to decline summit of hill, because of having already been not likely to make to make a surprise attack now.Hide in the summit of hill and play the soldier in the pit only a hair shoulder to shoot guided missile and then can shot down a helicopter that tries to decline, the armed helicopter after being shotted down by the sniper a doesn't dare to make to arrive as well near attack.
Front of the battalion is in the Si in thou especially the conductor of lieutenant general descended the base of brigade that is virtuous to visit shot toward the database Er to start to large-scalely round Jiao.This base crosses the frontier region of Turkey and Iraq, the database Er virtuous clan combines to deny this frontier line, have been living in this generation of anti- shot of land Turkey and rounding of Iraqi troops Jiao.However from about 20 in the last yearses of gulf war empress there is no longer ability in Iraq to rounded Jiao, but the soil soldier crossed the border for many times to round Jiao.Although the land of this distress already thousand Chuangs are 100 bores, but database Er the virtuous person still stubbornly contend on this hot soil.Former many times' greatly rounding all of the modes of Jiao are soils soldier to take the offensive and visit a shot brigade to successively withdraw in defeat, then disappear in the Chong mountain Jun Ling, the soil soldier burns to kill to plunder in the database Er virtuous region some kind of, really canning not finding a target has to win to return a dynasty.
This thou Si has already made fuller preparation especially, because the intelligence report points out that Chinese special kind soldier joins to visit a shot brigade.However he still don't thought of that the Chinese will copy his back route and attackstone the database Er tower orchid base.He is similar to the viewpoint of headquarters, that is Chinese transfer the military tactics of view, hence order base with ownly guard a soldier to protect a base, the battalion starts to storm according to the plan.All attack troopses are all very smooth, the holdout of situation not strong, however the soil soldier has already felt variety and visits the variety that the weapon of shot brigade has quality, not only the automatic weapon of one type, and have gun Liu to play, heavy machine gun, and trench mortar...etc. strong thermodynamic power weapon.Just visit a shot brigade not resist stubbornly, namely and asunder withdraw after in great quantities killing to harm a soil soldier.But the east carry 113 regiments of 7 mountainous country teachers but encountered destructive stroke.
Soil soldier's dreaming to can't thought of to visit a shot brigade, either will have a dynamoelectric armed helicopter from behind start toward the regiment department, artillery battlefield violent stroke, the soil soldier didn't install effective field battle antiair thermodynamic power and lost miserably heavy.Fore 14 infantry chariots and light tank of department attack are also entire numbers be ruined.Visit a shot brigade at the same time from the on all sides hilltop with violent of the gunfire fight the attack troops of soil soldier.The soil soldier has already escaped from his/her own battlefield, the rear encounters stroke again and is and discovers that the whole regimentses sink into several depths besieged, immediately type falter.The chief falls in action, the pair chief wants to contact the commander's headquarters, but the radio communication encounter serious interference, and the telephone line is cut off.All of the helicopter withdraw, but visit bombardment and ground of shot brigade to take the offensive after the early dawn more violent.Until in noon cent thou Si especially of the commander's headquarters just get the report of 7 mountainous country teachers and contact 113 regiment tele-communications not up, liaison officer also a don't return.
Thou Si especially the lieutenant general immediately orderany air force to go to probe and increase to aid, but 2 F-16s just reported 113 regiments carrying east war the area gunfire was violent, while going a careful observation under the swoop, the commander's headquarters could not get an information again.2800 people's a regiment while waiting until in evening a cent to increase to aid the troops breakthrough Zu piece to arrive 113 regiments to attack battlefield, remained more than 500 wounded soldiers.The legs of big gun and chariot those soil soldiers seeing an everywhere corpse and damaging are all soft, they wered an everywhere corpse that once sawed a virtuous person of database Er before.
Next several days, push forward face to face of soil soldier although dead and injured is also many, can always press plan to push forward.But an arrive night soil the soldier necessarily have a destructive stroke that is been empty to be in conjunction with by 1 ground and make soil soldier all harm last perhaps black disease.
The base commander sand Er virtuous major general is also if sit needle Tan, 5 highlands of outer circle have already had 2 the allied troops who are visited shot brigade and Chinese to attack and occupy, can not take back up to now.4 encampments of periphery all once suffered to round Jian, turn tremendous price just substituted those to set up to make by the troops in the base cripple guard camp already, and start reinforcing defences.But the major general forgot, these encampment is build for the mobile troops, the turtle shrinks in the works again how mobile.The radar screen entire number of base is ruined, like had no eyes.Luckily those dynamoelectric helicopters have no again, but 155 millimeters of howitzers of those highlands also enough he is subjected to.More darned is database Er railroad and highway in the virtuous region can be said to be"deeply grieved", and cut off all of places are in the extremely steep district.Front of big troops and bases can not get enough replenishment, the storage that can depend a past, and air freight.
Hope to come to 1500 people's special forces in England on the whole today, British army each young tiger is fierce, the Ku wears brand-new of mount sudden attack tommy gun and gun Liu to play, rocket tube, anti- armor guided missile, antiair guided missile.Still having an United States system"cow eye" is particularly important blunt arouse radar, the "evil eye" passive radar also completed to install, the former could probe into the invisible airplane of China, and the latter can concealmently probe into a dynamoelectric helicopter.All of this are the American solider's latest materials, some American experts start adjusting to try a work, and the soil soldier can get them to certainly pretty much appreciate.The soil soldier gets this to greatly aid morale to greatly flap.The headquarters not only made up deficiency 57 losing battleplanes, 22 helicopters, but also transfered more battleplanes.American solider and then gave the soil soldier 8 Js C-130s to just a little alleviate the urgent status of logistic replenishment.
So does the British army how can come to help?The beautiful English government established so-called"the north of Iraq forbade to fly area" in those early years, beautiful it the Yue was the database Er that protected Iraq virtuous person.But they how clean up database Er to the "three lights"s policy type of Turkey virtuous person's one speech don't deliver.And recent years British follow close behind the behavior in the United States really is make people sigh for the view, whenever the American wants to do evil things in the certain place, British necessarily makes hasty vanguard for it and walks farer than on many affairs.This activity, the senior analyst said, British upper level still had the motive that revenge China takes back Hong Kong.The superficial British army protects this spare beautiful English allied troops' base.
The soil soldier has already distinctly got into Iraq at this time and also be subjected to Related articles:

