
google is one Leng follow

The continuous aggression has already consumed light the physical strength of the Kai Lei, the basket net brigade seems to be also to see this and suddenly beats to have to offend quickly, the rhythm of game is completely controled by them, Kai Lei also can be nerveless back and forth run, mistake to also start increasing, take the offensive an efficiency to greatly give discount.
Take dead ball opportunity, the strange gram of Si changed a person and changed next is exactly a Kai Lei.
The Kai Lei is very dissatisfied to the decision of the coach:"Why?The ball team needs me now, why return me down?"
Strange gram of Si a ground passage:"Arrive where go to, there there is individual being waiting you."
The Kai Lei is one Leng, follow he points of the direction see go and see among the shadow have thin little person the positive fork wear the waist see him, also stretch out a hand blunt he hanged up to hang up finger.
Chapter 15 spreads ball
The AI looking at Kai Lei one faces to not and greatly come over here and say with smile:"Hey!Kai Lei, contrast the match is incapable for the felling of dint how?Whether let you very nest fire?"
The Kai Lei felling AI the smiling face at this time be at sneer at him incapable similar, the backstroking of give tit for tat says:"Is on the ground this body brigade to take now the person is strongly me, you should not let the coach change me down in this time."
AI a Zuan lives the collar of Kai Lei, cold say with smile:"You think to be like you so knows to persist doing to is contributing for ball team, novice, you despised NBA basketball too much, I didn't know that you were how to play ball during the days in the university, but here, you left a qualified NBA player still differed very far and saw you just at do what, wanted to do only the hero of Gu Dan of the bad dragon of Dou, did you think what your teammate is?Accompany to nearby gather together interesting clown at you?You can look down upon him at ordinary times, but you can believe on the ground of only have them, spreading the club can't, you so like this ball, still feel your a person and then can vanquish owner."
The Kai Lei is said by the AI had no a temper:"I~~~~~~~~~~~"
"Do not be like a Niangs son is similar, tell me that you want to win this ball,cnn?"AI loudly of roar.
"I think that I dislike failure."Once the Kai Lei be inquired about this, the emotion also becomes to arouse to move.
"Is very good, I still think that you prepare to use that from think a tragically heroic way a personal self-will bottom go to, since you want to win to so connect down to seek what I said to do and return to a rest and observe you well the teammate take the offensive of run, second half field we are deciding victory, believe your teammate, those New Jersey person from think to have already seen through you, they all feel that you are a way to walk to the black person, who all surprisingly you will spread ball and wait the second half field you think to be usually similar to take ball to dash into and cautiously observe your person in Haiti, then hand over to ball him, the whole is so simple, the nothing important is difficult, you take place game so dry lead, and dry must be very good, believe him, he have no you think so lousily."
"I have never felt Sa Mou Er is lousy."The emotion of Kai Lei excitedly answers criticism, is tone to not and so have conviction.
"Do not deny, your eyes tell me that you hope to get his support, can you not believe him again and fear that he will drag along your hind legs, if you trust your teammate to prove to let me see and let them get a goal,Facebook."
"I this proves to let you see."Kai Lei finishes saying a jilt the hand of opening the AI to walk into a ground, sit to substitute to repair at table.
The aggression of 76 people brigade is sunk to paralyze after the Kai Lei end, sometimes the opportunity came out be be in need of a per hammer to settle a phonic person, although the score margin of ball team and basket net more pulls more big, but the Kai Lei sees when a ball team took the offensive the strange gram of Si said that the military tactics of many times was teed off.Be like AI to say of so, five people on the field have no Kai Lei to think so unbearablely, even can say that everybody's military tactics cultivated manners is much stronger than the Kai Lei.
The fans can ignore so many, they the ball team that see they supporting be just pressed down by person in New Jersey to wildly beat, but their heros be done by the bishop to press at wooden bench up.
"Kai Lei!Kai Lei!Kai Lei!Kai Lei!"
Station's present side that the strange gram of Si doesn't sway continues to direct his game, seem"Kai Lei" that basically incognizant fans yell, just is not yes tiny turn a head toward after death taking aim, see the Kai Lei is paying attention to compete to just trust of again turn attention to return to a field up, tell the truth, he still really fears Kai Lei this extremely conceited of the boy cause disturbance for him, know he is also a beginning to suddenly arrive, continue to develop own Di to fasten, the real strenght super strong Kai Lei is exactly the object that he wants to develop.
Be willing to Ni ·Smith see 76 people is being placed in passive also follow get excited:"76 people's circumstances is getting farer from good now, the Kai Lei isn't present now up, take the offensive to basically reach not to become threat to the basket net, he just beat for 18 minutes in a row, always at with basket net the whole ball team got entangled in fighting to waste too many of his physical strengths."
Ba Ke Li doesn't forget to interrupt conversation sarcasm Kai Lei as well at this time:"Say with it to is to get entangled in fighting with basket net to waste his physical strength, also rather say to is him will be single dozen only Dou, control ball to lead long reason for time, he thinks he can as taking place to compete with frightening ease go to of great victory, but he forgot, the opponent that competes now is a net."
Be willing to Ni ·Smith didn't connect Ba Ke Li's words, still is continuing to analyze now the situation on the field:"The whole real strenght of the basket net brigade obviously wants now once 76 Gao Chus raise, and basket the net isn't a knight so a person's ball team, 76 people at take place a game ability great victory knight completely because the Kai Lei exploded Zhan Mu Si in the Gao Wei complete dozen, it let Zhan Mu Si develop disorder, in fact this first half segment that game exertion of the Kai Lei is still very outstanding of, he gets hold of in section 1 for 19 cents, the radicle is virtuous completely can't repress him, same Kai Lei to virtuous radicle can't also, their two dissimilarities are a Kai Lei and just just start impact to the basket net according to the real strenght for depending on oneself, and the radicle Be virtuous to be transfering whole brigadeses, this is also why the Kai Lei have already had no energy now, while the radicle is virtuous but still give birth to Long Huo Hu similar."
The Kai Lei sits at this time present next looking at the teammates to play ball, the in the mind calculates if oneself is present top how should hand over ball everywhere at the empty the hand of the teammate inside, while being still recalling peacetime training at the same time the characteristics of each teammate, amount of manpower in Haiti is strong, the basket next aggression contains certain ability, Ao benefit of three cent although work properly ineffective, at empty make moves to in the clout to lead not bad, take place to compete him at empty threw into three, as for Wei benefit ·grillage, he is definitely the rearguard player who is very efficiently a , have in throw ability, and be good at breakthrough, so on thinking that the characteristicses that the Kai Lei just discovers originally the teammates all hide in his brain, just always have no the time think, a was present to ascend him to make the chronic ailment of believing the teammate is not.
Be like AI to say of so, the radicle is nearby virtuous to transfer of teammate, develop their strengths, so he is NBA the first control ball rearguard, if oneself still know a strength of persist doing, the list beats only Dou, so he is at most next Ma Bu Li, get the nickname of"only wolf" is gradually forgotten by people, the truely good player is the teammate that can let nearby to break out the biggest energy, be like absolute being Jordan of basketball so.
The second half field passed by to rest the whole Kai Lei to re- show up and immediately let war whoop one inside the ball building, the Kai Lei saw the eye record to divide a card 38:57, the ball team fell behind for 19 centses,google.
"Sa Mou Er!"The Kai Lei called to live person in Haiti.
Wear the wave of Lei Mu to turn a head to looking at Kai Lei especially:"How?Kai Lei."
The Kai Lei clapped to say with smile for a while in the empress back of high guy in Haiti:"Notice the ball in the my hand."Said to clap to draw on the attention of the others to come over, " waiters connect down till the time that we counter-attack, show person in New Jersey our severe."
The teammates all curiously looking at Kai Lei, who also not is the understand first half field return complexion dark, a words all don't say of how does the Kai Lei still have a free mind to encourage morale.
The Lei that the radicle is virtuous to see Kai again took place to seek to come up on one's own initiative:"Novice!Seeing us has been already won,you still feel to vanquish us now, I advise you still honesty of foolish present bottom, that even if lose you can also seek point to lend."
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