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None of oneselfs knows to actually is how many years.Only time will dilute everything, change everything, but also only time can't tell a lie, I ask myself, if my true understanding she is so long, why will I not remember her?If really is so long, whether most feelings of the earnestness will become thin water is such as the white?I don't know how answer this question, but in the mind's hasing a voice is loudly telling me-regardless vicissitudes of life how change Huan, the unique is constant, the heart that I love her!"Become overdo, looking at quietly the promise is virtuous, the promise Be virtuous to astonishedly discover, young superior face up, hang two to go pure tears, flickering give out light under the moonlight."No matter vicissitudes of life how change Huan, the unique is constant, the heart that I love her, this is my answer, I to princess Xue-fall in love at first sight."
The promise Be virtuous to want to smile, but smile not to come out.The month of the Cang that almost Chi wildly general wild language if speak from the other people, the promise is virtuous will definitely nowise show consideration ground to loudly chuckle, but speak now of, but is a Cang month.
So he not only smiles not to come out, in the mind on the contrary be like to press last a cake of very heavy rock, block up panically, short of breathly panic.
He opens widely a mouth, the big big ground breathes and wants to break up this felling, and he loudly queries Cang for month:"You say of is the woman that you don't love an angel?Now that you don't love her, why still want to take her at nearby?"
The month of the Cang quietly way:"What I said isn't an angel, I have never touched her, and she follows me, only because spends the identity that 2,000 gold coins relieved her slave for me and gave her free.All of everythings is she willingly of, I have never had to the least bit force.I say of the woman, dead now, I personally cremate her, and ……is that I personally kill her."
When the promise is virtuous the month hearing Cang say that woman to isn't an angel, clearly breath a sigh of relief.But when he hears Cang at quiet speak to personally kill that woman for month, he aroused to move again.He released to manipulate the bridle of pulling cart the horse and jumped in the car, a clench Cang for month of collar of dress, roar loud a way:"What do you say?Did you incredibly and personally kill the woman that loves you?You ……you ……you this devil!" The promise Be virtuous to roar, slap very heavily in the face that arrive Cang for month, the face in month of Cang is by leap and bound swollen to get up, the clear and crisp sound arouses pull cart horse whole body one Zhan, by leap and bound rush, the wagon is free from control ground acceleration and accelerate of inertial let the promise is a virtuous Lie Ju, almost pour to plant to dismount a car, but drive Cang month a hold tight.
The promise was virtuous not only don't thank, on the contrary and loudly cursed and scolded a to record a heavy boxing to very heavily beat in the belly of Cang month, Cang the month is painful to bend waist, embrace belly stem the Ou get up.The promise was virtuous don't stop, the boxing feet raindrop sort falls in the Cang month body, but Cang month but don't the slightest strike back of meaning, allow him to beat.The promise was virtuous don't control breath, complete suddenly and violently beat Cang with the strength of the body for month, Cang although the month has already carried to have demon emperor demon dint, discover at him promise virtuous palm and fist up didn't contain the slightest Dou spirit, again silently spread go to, the body doesn't have protection ground to bear the promise is virtuous of heavy boxing."Bang bang" ground bluntness rings under the moonlight to ring out in the silent night sky, incitement pull cart a horse to be subjected to bluntness loudly, run faster more happy, finally in turning of a corner of the street Cape place, the car wheel met with street tooth, bodywork fiercely on being partial to, very heavily pour on the ground, drive inertial take continue turn over several turn just stopped down, but the horse have already taken off Jiang to run far.
Gradually and far go along with the clop, on the street in the night view again resume equanimity, very long, just hear depressive moan, hit pulpy car compartment horse's bottom difficultly stretch out a head, crest spread a head the top fall in pieces of wooden board, and then stretch out two hands that take blood, lie prone to breathe heavily thick spirit on the decrepit Xiang bodies of in front.Immediately after, his flank stretches out a head again and similarly stretches out two hands that are stained with full blood and lies prone on the car compartment to breathe heavily spirit.2 people face top all Tu Man blood, breathed heavily a short while spirit, called 1 towards hoping one eye, the left side that head each other:"You devil like this, the root isn't qualified to fall in love with princess Xue, certainly, also not qualified make the angel foolish at you nearby.Once I return to emperors all, take angel to return to my house."
The right side that head slowly tunnel:"With your then, angel would like to of words, follow you good."
The left side that head ordered to nod, way:"I feel this kind of person's precept to you only and just that dozen is still not enough and how do?"
The right side that head coldly says:"I also feel still not enough, but I don't intend to continue Ai the bottom went to, if you begin again, I definitely strike back."
"That you strike back!See a boxing!"
"Small kind son of, you still really dare to begin, Lao Tze takes out your Ya!"A clear and crisp palm voice rings out, immediately after a sad and shrill wolf Hao spreads and connects down again, the wolf Hao became to sob, gradually, and then became to wail aloud ……
Second orchid thou Si Li December 20, 3829, rest in the Luo row city whole a night of Iceland Kingdom princess Xue at Iceland Kingdom bodyguard long gram Lao promise and 500 kingdoms forbid a soldier, and fire cloud empire palace guards the convoy bottom of sixth regiment leave Luo row city, dynasty fire cloud emperor all enter hair.Together with the princess comes of knight and the infantries completed to escort a task and returned to country to report the result.
Luo while setting out the officials of the row city, fire cloud empire palace guards the officers and mens of the sixth regiment and the princess of the Iceland Kingdom, bodyguard long and inferiority of the knights surprisingly discover, the team of sixth regiment long the Ni promise-Si adult and pair team long the promise is virtuous-the Si tile Xin Ge's adult all is that the green nose face is swollen, there are still on lips and forehead a few jet black Wu scars, imitate a Buddha 2 people experienced some kind of terrific fights in last night general.There is an inferiority gingerly starting to ask, 2 people all as one man say:"Last night, the wagon turned over ……"

Chapter 47 is attacked

The second orchid thou Si Li December 23,google, 3829, fire cloud empire northern steppe.
The month of the Cang has already led it has been two days since brigade marched forward on the steppe, the road of return journey has already walked one greater half, northern big steppe, walk again more for a day, can smoothly return to emperors all.
Sky in the winter days is black quick, near evening, the sun already half submerge the horizon the following.The month of the Cang tooks a look the color of the sky and issues order to right on the spot set up camp to prepare to stay overnight.The troops stopped down, the engineer corps then started to be busy setting up camp.
After the Cang month issued order, original ten thousand inside the cloudless sky isn't done know which corner suddenly gush big slice of of dark cloud, the dark cloud comes in blustering and menacing manner and in a twinkling and then pushed to have half sky, the color of the sky is quickly dark to come down.The month of the Cang is wrinkly to knit the brows, the heart way becomes very quick this day, body side of the promise Be virtuous to have already loudly shouted command to quickly set up camp speed.
The month of the Cang after death of a close Wei knight who comes from steppe horde see Cang facial expression for month in deeply wear to order unclearly worried, hurriedly say:"The adult need not worry, steppe God spirit be so, say to change and then change.Usually be a minute ago still bright sun Gao Zhao, next minute rain-storm pouring.If you live more a period of time on the steppe, will know.And is exactly winter now, even if the Tu declines heavy snow, also can't very cold, to compare to rain rain-storm while after all raining much warmer."
The Cang month point nods, and then shakes and looking at thick cloud like the sky of Mo, "I know naturally that snowinging isn't cold to turn snow cold, also know that steppe the weather becomes quick,Facebook, what I worried isn't this ……you also said, now is winter, the weather becomes quickly and in really common in summer on the steppe, can put till winter, have at 1:00 not normal."The month of the Cang once the not in power wolf was great steppe existence decade, can be said to be clear to the weather of steppe,cnn, saw the sky winds and clouds to mutate, he the intuition ground felt a bit not in the right, can concretely because of why, and then can not say it.
The dark cloud covered the whole sky very soon, in the whole world the one is dark, almost stretch hand to disappear five fingers.The food for powder orders bright torch, the engineer corps start to support the tent of one and other circular with the quickest speed under the shining in glory of torch.
The Iceland Kingdom bodyguard's long gram of Lao promise hand holds torch to loudly yell:"Food for powder, the action hurries up!Give Related articles:

