
Beats by Dr Dre Pro est of son son daug

Chapter 386 urgently replies
At this time, Li Bi's misgiving pours be not how deal with Li Qing An, but the emperor's father interferes with politics, he once did a period of time Li Heng's staff and understood the desire, according to reason of Li Heng to the power very much, son, Li Yu, since have been already mounted the throne, that as a father, Li Heng should retreat backstage and no longer interfere with politics, but Li Heng not only have no concealed back, on the contrary interfere with domestic affairs by various day, particularly he captures the power of mercenary, this but even makes people uneasy, certainly, he is a father, concerning the son is an ordained in nature affair, but Li Bi always feels that Li Heng's hand really stretches too to grow, and he first starts to Anne's west of strategy, Li Bi doesn't agree with as well, he always feels that Li Heng has another diagram.
"I really also want to take river once west, block up Li Qing An west at Anne."
"But the his majesty wanted to have no, according to the strategy of emperor's father, reset river west stanza degree, appoint Guo Zi Yi to make for stanza degree, like this not only will fail in promise Li Qing An, at the beginning but the his majesty once promised personally river west four states row western to Anne, and the courtiers all have been already known and like this also fail in promise at the courtier and fail in promise at the world and on the contrary make Li Qing An get the world person's pity, his majesty, not Zhi!"
"That teacher has what way, since can make me take river once west, again don't fail in promise to use."
Li Bi is some have no language, Li Yu what all good, thrifty be diligent in politics, make great effort to make country strong, don't crave for sex, the not near eunuch is the lord of big Tang's medium interest, but he also hasn't good at 1:00, that is to can not make up decision in mattering to the affair of principle, originally they have already decided and used to far hand over near strategy for offending and haltered good Li Qing An and took river first east and Jing state, but Li Yu at father of some kind of incite under, again change idea, and then want to weaken Li Qing An, trust relation broke him to build up with Li Qing An with difficulty, this was Li Yu Yi fatal weakness!
Li Bi has heart to advise again, but he also knows to advise too manily, on the contrary will make him produce distrust to he, to the emperor of this political experience shortage, can be used Shu, but can not use the way of .
"The his majesty wants so to take river once west?"
"BE!"Li Yu of very affirmative in speaking, " I really want to take river once west, I admit it's at the beginning inadvisable, but at that time also for pacifying Li Qing An, can Li Qing An line up soldiers river now west, let his Anne west the silver haven't results to show for big currency Tang, I the night Be difficult to sleep."
Li Bi contemplated very long, way:"Rather so, the way of a his majesty is still a Yu side shot, Duo river western solid power, and motionless nominally of system, river west the abruption give Long right, Anne is western, his majesty since already Yu world, not week again change, Guo Zi Yi also need not again allow river west the stanza degree make, and change to allow carefree Jiu to make, supervisor river west Ma Zheng, river west the garrison forces originally come from river east, follow Li Qing An's date not long, haven't returned heart, and Li Qing An didn't also adjust them Anne west, it is thus clear that Li Qing An to this troops also the heart save worry in uncertainty, don't dare to make them enter Anne western, so as long as the his majesty allows with their Gao Guan Hou Lu, again with prestige of Guo Lao's general, take back river west the military power isn't impossible, and make Li Qing An eat a dummy Kui, but again not make known, his majesty, this is the steady but effective way.
"Good!It is brilliant."Li Yu is excited to get one shot Zhang great way:"The teacher Gu strategy is indeed as expected that the ordinary people is difficult and, according to the strategy behaviour of the teacher."
Li Yu's excitement gets up, he immediately once took a piece of letter paper and prepared to write a personally letter for Guo Zi Yi, at this time, Li Bi speaks hesitatingly a way again:"His majesty, minister.'', There is also a suggestion.
"Though the teacher says."It is concerning the emperor's father.""Emperor's father how?"Li Yu let go of pen.
Li Bi really hard Qi, this is the provocation somebody else father and son relation, some words he has to say again, he has to grow a reserved but tactful tone way on Monday:"The meaning of the minister is to say, the emperor's father is advanced in age, the his majesty should exert a filial piety to let his Hu keep old age, not rush west to run for the mercenary east, can train soldiers mercenary of the matter hand over to eldest grandson whole clue, Wang Si Li's these loyals at the great commander of his majesty, does the his majesty understand the meaning of minister?"
Li Yu is an intelligent person, he how could not listen to Li Bi's speech idea of outside, this is in fact also a matter that he makes it lively for very much, enlisted 100,000 soldiers, but finally controled in the father's hand, there is also original soldier in 100,000 passes, also a father and control all alone, he by himself only from Li Qing An Duo come of 20,000 troops, this lets he more or less a bit uncomfortable, but is after all own father, Li Yu also have to endure, Li Bi puts forward this matter again now, he doesn't know as well how do just good, have to and sigh a tone way:"I knew that this matter slowly says again!"
Li Bi doesn't dare to say more and then converts a topic to say with smile:"His majesty lets the minister speak the new government of Que salt for his majesty!"
The west of Anne, Li Qing An is rushing through the on the way of time, but a disadvantageous of news already from fly the way that the pigeon spreads a book to spread to a ground leaf, don't already let officer's the as strain that the ground leaf stays to guard.
The sky just was bright, the strict Chuang then multiplied by a wagon to in a hurry go out, his current identity is still Li Qing An staff, but Anne west the everyone all knew, the strict Chuang Yu had solid power, even connect govern of Wang Chang Ling also not definitely has his power big.
This several Yaos is also very fidgety in the strict Chuang heart, take place in the imperial government recently of a series of aim at of Anne the affair of the west make him caught unprepared, at every step passive, and ground leaf officialdom the top also appeared to his dissatisfied voice, Wang Chang Ling publicly blamed him to incite Li Qing Anna to advertise for, cause today Anne western ownerless situation, in fact this matter, the strict Chuang is also to have distress speech, he ever and privately once advised Li Qing An as well and believed virtuous after all and too far, hope that he sends a pair to advertise for the south, not oneself leads the army personally, but Li Qing An is opinionated, must lead the army personally to believe virtuous, strict Chuang in consideration of this is Anne western stanza degree the consistent tradition for making, the Mao declares to support Li Qing An's leading the army personally to believe virtuous, but the affair came out now, he then the load ascended responsibility.
This still doesn't calculate, there is still recently a kind of parlance, is also aim at him but deliver, say his Ji is wise to envy ability, monopolize Anne's west to strive for the private's, this kind of parlance is also to have a basis, last year Li Qing where turtle establish to recruit wise building, invite world it just, from strict Chuang supervisor, but end of result is recruited any 100 ability work clever artisan, and the private of strategy is an also have no, Li Qing An always at outside busy, have no time to interfere with this matter, but many Anne west officials record at in the heart, when king's 8 ages publicly blame him, this kind of dissatisfied voice also followed to break out and made the strict Chuang burned.
If say blaming of Wang Chang Ling how much have some to wrong him of words, so recruit wise building failure, he really difficult Ci its Jiu, there is really some selfishness in strict Chuang, this kind of selfishness is in fact as early as he to Anne Lu mountain be act Xi then rear, at that time he and classic fought both with open and secret means, all wanted to polish off the other party, but finally strict Chuang because twice dedicate to account failure, make Anne the Lu mountain hurt to Li Qing An, but finally drive Anne the Lu mountain leave to use, afterwards he again arrives Li Qing An of heavy use, become Li Qing An's first to strive for a private, at that time after being long, in the strict Chuang heart that kind of the Ji is wise dark one noodles envying an ability gradually exposes again, Li Bi leaves Li Qing An, he long long breath a sigh of relief, celebrate a Wang Jiu staff the Yan Kai several times write a letter to mean wish for Li Qing An's effect, he hides letter, don't tell Li Qing An.
Anne's west appears a crisis this time, a lot of then broke out together to his dissatisfied voices, include Wang Chang Ling to his publicly blame, in fact be also draining the disaffection to him.
The strict Chuang is again an injustice and is angry, he doesn't dare to go to Anne west politics hall, on going to that direction, temper fire strong Wang Chang Ling meeting inn he strikes table beat wooden bench, secure west the temple members will also from back his back bone the Chuo break, Wang Chang Ling all day long favor like this reform so change the system of, they how don't go to the Chuo Wang Chang Ling's back bone, because oneself last year reduction give Anne west officials pay raise, this helped guy to record enemy.
Until now, the strict Chuang still keeps thinking, Anne west the officials be in fact clearing up accounts him last year reduction add"hurry up!"The strict Chuang keeps pressing a carter, at this time, the carter suddenly stopped down.
"Master, someone blocks a car."
"Is strict to make gentleman, I want to say words, please stop for a while."
This some orotund ears are familiar, the strict Chuang draws back car Lian, the middle age scholar that sees the front of the wagon stopping an abjection, of so say abjection, is the broken-down single Shan being this person to still be dressed in whole body diagram, that is the clothes in summer, but is already a deep autumn now, very cool sooner or later, everyone put on to clip Ao.
The strict Chuang recognized out a while, this person is exactly a Yan Kai of the staff who celebrates previously king, don't know he how mix don't so not help, even do the piece clothes all wear not to rise?
Celebrate a king now be kept under house arrest stone country, the Yan Kai has already left him, he several times writes a letter to mean toward Li Qing An would like to effect, can he writes of letter such as mire go into ocean, there is no news, the Yan Kai is in Anne's west everywhere mix a vestige greater half year, he not ability machine, hand can not lift, do business have no capital, give person be cashier he feels unwilling again, then in ground leaf's a schools teach, mix some food rice small change to live, in fact he mixs to also be unlikely so miserably, but for trying to gain pity, also in order to drain the hatred in the heart to read, he specially wears down and out miserablely, everyday comes to Li Qing An's official residence door before try one's luck, seeing can meet Li Qing An to return, today he at the right moment sees a strict Chuang, then cannot help but blocking road.
The scholar is mutually light, the strict Chuang always despises Yan Kai, he once advised Li Qing An as well, don't person who use this back lord, but see he mix thus down and outly and also more or less livinged in the strict Chuang heart so some pity.
"It is a Yan-Sir."
The strict Chuang stands down the wagon arch arch hand to say with smile:"Did not see for a long time, I thought that Mr. Yan returned Central plains, originally still at Anne west."
The Yan Ya mixs up the spout abjection, the overbearing pride of that a little scholar in heart also had no, he was to deep Shi Yi Li's way in the strict Chuang:"Is strict to make gentleman, don't know when Zhao Wang's his highness comes back?"
"This, , ', I also not is very clear, however should be getting quicker!
Make reference to this, strict Chuang sudden eye pupil bone once the Lu turn, Li Qing An comes back, the west officials of Anne by all means will tell him to recruit wise building one matter to Li Qing An and rather and first invite this Yan Kai down and block up those officials' Dis and also have ten on the whole and give an account, and he knows that Li Qing An doesn't like to be this person and can't threatens to own seat, either.
He immediately eyebrows a wrinkly, come forward to warm and affectionately pull him, have some to blame and scold a way:"Why not does the Sir Lei seek me?I was finding out the Sir's whereabouts everywhere, made me find out on the whole."
The just strict Chuang is still cold apathy thin, can now but suddenly become passionate have been already added, really make the Yan Kai hard to accept, however enthusiasm total than apathy good, in his heart also hot get up, not from dark hate oneself why late seek a strict Chuang, can't be played joke on for small fart Hai by that all day long, either.
"Make gentleman have to know not, I have been aming waiting Zhao Wang's his highness."
"Are you to say a great commander soldier?I will recommend a Sir to the great commander soldier, however don't go today, the Sir might as well return to first, Lei early in the morning tomorrow seek me, I will arrange a job for you first and wait great commander soldier to return Lei, I right away recommend."
Yan Kai thousand boon 10000 walked, the strict Chuang hoped he walks far and has some bottom on the whole in the heart, he sees have already left Zhao Wang Fu not far, then whole the whole headgear, walk to Zhao Wang Fu in quick time.
A lot of affairs while hoping always not, can while not thinking this mattering, but the affair continuously arrive, Li Qing An's son Yu woulds be typical example, now not only have already been pregnant for eight month such as the poem, bright moon also, be pregnant, Be 45 months pregnant.
The mansion inside was againthis to add more than ten Ya js again!Old woman son, originally of the abode a little bit dislike small, at this time imperial government aim idea arrival, formally set up formally Li Qing An as Zhao Wang, set up formally only Gu bright moon for imperial concubine, lend this opportunity, Anne west the politics hall then cover this 30 acres of huge houses to repair a lately and formally settle for Zhao Wang Fu.
Early in the morning, the bright moon is writing a letter for mother, suddenly have Ya!!Come to report, the strict Sir came, there was urgent matter to plea for interview an imperial concubine.
"Invite him in guest's hall slightly etc., the my instant is then."
The bright moon covered with an outside tunic and handed in a Chan of servant girl under, slowly and outwardly the house walks to, entered guest's hall, sees the strict Chuang sit upright to drink tea over there and seem to be worry layer after layer.
"Strict Sir today how wants to come over?"The bright moon smiled to walk out.
Is similar to Li Qing An, the bright moon doesn't like that the other people call that she is an imperial concubine, but the west person of Anne calls Li Qing An as as well the great commander soldier is habit, at to the form of address of the bright moon top a little very good, owners all call her imperial concubine, no one again call that she says with smile for madam, bright moon putting a hand:"The Sir need not be over-courteous and Please sit down!"
The strict Chuang sat down and respectully said:"Bother an imperial concubine rest, strict Chuang guilty, but the circumstance is urgent, the strict Chuang has to come."
The bright moon is tiny tiny a say with smile:"The Sir talks heavy, took place what matter?"
"The imperial concubine hasn't to know, I received urgent intelligence report last night, the saint took a post life Shuo square the stanza degree made Guo Zi Yi make for the river western carefree Jiu, very obvious, Guo Zi Yi is go to Duo river the military power of the west, now great commander soldier still far at believe virtuous, I can seek an imperial concubine."
The bright moon is one Zheng, a long time just way:The "I though imperial concubine, but never interfere with the matter of military administration" I feel that the Sir should go with Wang Chang Shi, and the segment general company measures, seeking me perhaps will make the Sir disappoint" imperial concubine hasn't to know, now the urgent matter of the moment wants to adjust the troops of river west Anne's west once, make Guo Zi Yi not capture military power, but adjust the soldier's power the hand is at the great commander soldier up, ignore Wang Chang Ling still a segment show actually, they all can not adjust the troops of the west of river, I more don't go, now only imperial concubine generation great commander soldier issues order, temporary adjust river west the soldier return to Anne west, probably river west soldier will Zun imperial concubine of make, the circumstance is urgent, pleasing the imperial concubine must appear publicly to moderate this matter."
The bright moon is very difficult, at the beginning she comes to Anne with Li Qing An west, Li Qing An then once had the provisional constitution three chapters with her, she can not interfere with Anne west the matter of the military administration, particularly her mother is big eminent family Tang Di in the Pei house female, she again is the female of Gu surname only, this identity makes her careful more and never interferes with the matter of Anne's west, now strict Chuang but let she generation the man go power, this how can?But the bright moon also knows the circumstance is urgent, she wanted to think short cut:"So!The Sir can seek Wang Chang Shi and segment general to negotiate, you suggest the river west soldier recall together, I can sign signature at you behind, as a proof, if make me issue order alone, I may don't to arrive and please Sir's understanding."
The strict Chuang contemplates very long, definite can do like this, though he doesn't want to seek Wang Chang Ling,the circumstance is urgent, and he immediately starts a way:"Is all right!I this goes to and negotiates with them."
The strict Chuang turns again to politics hall, he ten enter front door, then and immediately feel a politics hall the officials throw to him of dissatisfied vision, the vision that is cold to see the elephant is a root stick, on his back bone, knock's this felling that gives offense to owner is really not very pleasurable.
"Be just a staff, the unexpectedly such Ji is wise to envy an ability, mean person!"
"Hum!I see him not only the leg be lame, even the heart was lame."
Discuss in succession in the soft-voiced thin language in, strict Chuang crustily the skin of head arrived at Wang Chang Ling of dynasty before the building, the formal job of king 8 ages is Anne west stanza degree mansion long history, must seal to spread officer's silver green light doctor Lu, is from three article titles, supervisor, Anne, west the governmental affairs can be treated as western tallest governmental affairs for Anne an officer, and there is no official job in strict Chuang, he is just Li Qing An staff, but he holds solid power, for example the food allocates, land allotment, the military officer rises a job to adjudicate, these were originally Li Qing An's power, he had no time to interfere with and then handed over to strict Chuang generation line, this also matched tang dynasty system, much time of staff is a main male line of right.
So at to some extent that, the strict Chuang and Wang Chang Ling has the conflict of some power, and Wang Chang Ling is an extremely fair and just person, never cover up own disaffection, last October, Wang Chang Ling wants to immigrate a per family to increase five monthly to the Anne west a Dou food subsidy, Li Qing An orally promised, but the concrete batch text got to strict Chuang there,he changes per family increase three Dous, the reason is a provisions for army to have the initiative, is this matter Wang Chang Ling already and the strict Chuang greatly fight for three times.
Particularly this time, Wang Chang Ling the governmental affairs meeting by three days up, the noodles being several hundreds of officials publicly blames the staff of strict Chuang not sufficient, not only have never advised Zu great commander soldier the south advertise for and on the contrary support to incite a great commander soldier south to advertise for, absolutely is a Yu man BE, the slightest don't show consideration noodles, publicly blaming for of Wang Chang Ling lets the strict Chuang hate to him gnash teeth in hatred.
If isn't that the circumstance is urgent, the strict Chuang absolutely can't seek Wang Chang Ling.
Speak of to is also a kind of ways of the world, Wang Chang Ling determinedly promotes to discard Nu system, and then prohibits a big door a family to have servant more, peacetime again keep noodles to condemn an inferiority, nowise show consideration noodles, according to reason, these affairs that all give offense to a person very much, can Anne west the officials but not bosom hate Wang Chang Ling, the reason is that he is open and aboveboard, there is no some selfishness, all is BE male, for the sake of Anne west of strong, and he makes a body to show a line first by himself, home only have he and old wife, have no a servant, in Anne's west also have no a piece of land, someone thinks in order to the He him and then and secretly run to the river east too at first his old house find out, thought at first that he will be extravagant at old house have no degree, own a good farm beautiful house, didn't expect his sons but live a few broken-down old houses in, the home only has ten acres of thin farmlands, is still that he buys with the salaries of Anne's west of, son son daughter-in-law still in person next farmland kind ground, this lets to want to impeach his person touched not already, on the contrary defend publicity for him after coming back, therefore Wang Chang Ling although keeping noodles is heartless, do many person's matter of giving offense tos,his personal character makes the officials pretty much respect and admire.
Is contrary, but the strict Chuang really gave offense to-the officials of solid west, particularly is medium bottom class officials"hate him more deeply, Li Qing An prepared to raise salary to the officials last year 30%, but strict Chuang determinedly objection, the reason was Anne west the officials' salary already far bolt compare imperial government officials Gao, and imperial government the officials be still owed salary for three years, if again is significant to raise salary, will let imperial government officials Ji hate Anne western, everywhere give Anne west wear small shoe, truth very to, Li Qing An adopts, end pay raise 10% five.
Can the problem is a strict Chuang I but must raise salary 50%, he but the language of expression dig, he is just staff, is Li Qing An g F make money payment, is as irrelevant as authorities, so be free from pay raise restriction, F not desire, but is at the person, let how people don't hate him.
That was strict to rush about Wang Chang Ling's dynasty door, at the right moment Wang Chang Ling urgently such as breeze come out, 2 people almost bump together,Beats by Dr Dre Pro.
"Is you!"
Wang Chang Ling sees is a strict Chuang, he immediately the Nu form is at the color, a stare a way:"What do you come to do?"
Hate in the strict Chuang heart want to point at his nose to lambaste, but did like this, river west the soldier really finished, he severely overcame endocentric disaffection, and the dark wears a face way:"I am to is public affairs since then and please male private clear."
Wang Chang Ling's style is to person not to the matter, he doesn't like a person, is never false than a color, but if is public affairs, he even if disliking again is this person, will be also business is business, can't be personal emotion but influence public affairs.
"That you come in to say!"
Wang Chang Ling turned round into dynasty building and kept sitting idly down, the strict Chuang knew Wang Chang Ling's rules, in addition to Li Qing An, he can't pour tea for anyone as well as invite a person to sit down and want to sit and then sit, don't want to sit and then stand over there, therefore he ten came in to then and Don't mention it sit down.
"Guo Zi Yi serves as the affair that the carefree Jiu makes, you knew!"
Wang Chang Ling ordered to nod, "I just knew this morning, the hearsay wanted to seal Guo Zi Yi as river west the stanza degree made, how became supervisor, Ma Zheng, again, really a little bit made people ignore to solve the intention on the saint.
"That is that you ignore a solution."The strict Chuang sneers at a , " I is very clearly, this is the brilliant strategy."
"What strategy?"
Imperceptibly, Wang Chang Ling has already forgotten the disaffection to the strict Chuang, he the concern ground ask a way:"You quickly say to see, actually is what strategy."
"Cancel river west stanza degree, river west penny is two, this was the saint to up once promulgate Yu of"the worlds all know, if he again suddenly cancel Yu, again seal Guo Zi Yi as river west the stanza degree make, this by all means will fail in promise at the world, so he lets with the ordination that the carefree Jiu makes Guo Zi Yi's hall but emperor go to river the west work, at this time, he again secretly draw together river west garrison forces Gao Guan, the litchi guards Yu, he can not draw together, but persons, such as Meng cloud and Luo justice...etc., they originally weren't Anne west faction, if the saint up allows them to work for great commander military post, again seal Gao Jue, you say they also again is loyal to Anne western?Prestige that takes into Guo Zi Yi again does both things simultaneously, river west the soldier don't protect."
The analysis in the strict Chuang makes Wang Chang Ling feeling a burst of and greatly terrified, he hasty way:"But great commander soldier not at Anne west, we have no business to adjust-move river west soldier, return can how do?"
"So I just come to seek a long history to negotiate."
The strict Chuang sees Wang Chang Ling seem to be completely to forget the matter of giving offense to he or she, he not from some way of Xing Xing:"I just once sought an imperial concubine, at this time only the imperial concubine appear publicly, probably can let river west the soldier receive order to withdraw Anne western, but the imperial concubine don't wish to deliver to make alone and let us plus a general again, the three parties associately issue order"her at the back sign signature support'
His leading don't finish saying, Wang Chang Ling then jumped, "that still waits what, I seek a show solid!"
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